Bracelet - Chakra - ID# WB1-5
The concept of chakras began in early traditions from eastern India, and deal with internal energy centers in the body. These energy centers correspond to different areas of the body lining up vertically along the spine starting from your “seat” (root) to the top of your head (crown). Chakras are energy centers in the body that are believed to play an important role in physical, emotional and spiritual well being. These areas correspond to different colors, which affliated to gemstones, are thought to provide subtle energy that help your mind, organs and intellect to work at a high level. Many feel that learning about chakras can help us feel better (and more energetic!)
Everyone can think of a time when you’ve seen a rainbow - doesn’t it seem like seeing a rainbow makes you feel better? Maybe happier? Let’s take a look at colors of a rainbow - these are also associated with the chakra - and their meanings -
7 Main Chakras:
RED (1st Chakra - also known as ROOT) - symbolizes security, safety, grounding -
Gemstone(s) - Fire agate, Garnet
ORANGE - (2nd Chakra - also known as Sacral) - symbolizes creativity, emotions -
Associated with water (and flow of)
Gemstone(s) - Carnelian, Coral
YELLOW - (3rd Chakra - Solar Plexus) - symbolizes mental activities, personal power,
Gemstone(s) - Topaz, Citrine
GREEN - (4th Chakra - Heart) - symbolizes love, compassion
Gemstone(s) - Jade, Green Tourmaline, Green Aventurine
BLUE - (5th Chakra - Throat) - symbolizes communication, truth
Gemstone(s) - Aquamarine, Turquoise, Apatite
INDIGO - Dark blue or purple - (6th Chakra -Third eye) - symbolizes intuition, wisdom,
extrasensory perception
Gemstone(s) - Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli
PURPLE (or White) - (7th Chakra - Crown) - symbolizes spirituality, consciousness
Gemstone(s) - Amethyst, Clear Quartz
Many people have energy blocks and imbalances that prevent us from having full vitality. This leads us many times to feel scattered and tired. The good news is it can be helped with Chakras, which can optimize your energy system. As we have learned, Chakras are affiliated with colors, and these in turn can help us feel better ( and
more energetic!)
And more good news! We have right here - in Life In the Craft Room -
Chakra bracelets, created with gemstones that may help you think about the benefits to your own mind and body!
Chakra bracelets are made with garnet, carnelian, citrine, green aventurine, apatite, sodalite, amethyst, clear quartz, lava beads, and silver miyuki seed beads